[email protected]
9100 93rd Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN, 55445
(763) 425-2210
Click here to view the current Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Login here to make changes: https://secure.rotundasoftware.com/l/web-terminal/login/SVDP?
Click on a service to see with whom you are scheduled and access other information about the service. To see the full schedule, log in to the Web Terminal at:
This short video demonstrates how to use the Web Terminal. (The video can also be accessed once you are logged in by clicking on the Help tab at any time.)
If you are unable to make any of your scheduled services, please request a sub (as demonstrated in the video) so that someone else can fill your important role.
Don’t forget that if you have an iOS or Android device, you can use the MSP mobile app! After downloading, you’ll need the following Organization ID to sign in: SVDP
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Worship at SVDP.
Thank you so much for your service.