[email protected]
9100 93rd Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN, 55445
(763) 425-2210
“For everything there is a season…” Ecclesiastes 3:1
This team works behind the scenes to transform our Worship environment to heighten the awareness of the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the different liturgical seasons. A variety of helpers are needed to prepare a prayerful atmosphere in the worship space and entrance of the church throughout the liturgical year. This includes:
Seasonal Decorating Crews:
People are needed to arrange flowers and plants, to iron and hang banners, and to place other items appropriate for the liturgical season or special liturgy in the church, the social hall, and the entrances of the church prior to major feasts and seasons such as Christmas and Easter. Seasonal decorating assistance is also necessary at the end of the major seasons to remove the décor and properly store it for the next year.
No experience is necessary. Helpers must enjoy working with others, be willing to accept direction, and be able to assist with moving, lifting, and preparing items to be placed in the environment. Contact the parish office if you are interested in being placed on the decorator list.
Linens Crew:
People are needed every week to launder and iron the linens used at Mass. Linens are typically taken home on Sunday or Monday, laundered, ironed, folded and returned by Wednesday or Thursday. Each person is scheduled for a one month service once a year.